Tsubo Phison- Super comfortable and stylish sneaker. Slick design and easy to wear both casual and at work.
I am the first to admit, I like a nice pair of sneakers. Comfort usually comes before style for me, but every now and then I'll go for something with a little "flare" that will leave me with blisters after a long day of walking around. The Men's Tsubo Phison is a sneaker (or "sport casual" shoe) that doesn't force this compromise. The Phison is one of the most comfortable shoes I've worn, on par with sliding into a pair of slippers.
An added benefit to the Phison is its style. I like to be just a wee bit subversive in the office. The dress code is quite clear on its "no sneaker" rule, so I am always on the look out for a pair of sneakers that are stylish enough to pass as a pair of dress shoes. While the suede toe and rubber sole hint at sneaker, the contoured curves and even the eyelets and laces speak dress shoe.
Admittedly, the split tongue is a bit of an oddity, but you slip these shoes on, and the inch or so of padding your foot experiences makes this little misstep easy to over look.
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